Inmining: evolution of the mining industry
More and more investors are getting involved in the mining industry
and this requires a new look at the economics of mining enterprise. Due to the unique conditions of placement in special economic zone “Alabuga” inmining data center works in the mining market more efficient, affordable and safer.
Although the mining industry is nine years old, this industry is in the stage of active development and formation. The era of “home mining” has long passed, when with the help of a couple video cards, users were able to extract significant amounts of cryptocurrency. The next stage of development was cloud mining platforms and mining hotels, which gained particular popularity induring 2018. But they also go into the past, showing investors their unreliability and insufficient range of services provided. The mining industry has moved to a new stage – full cycle tokenized mining enterprises, when the investor can fully delegate the purchase, installation and maintenance of equipment, without losing an ability to quickly enter and exit the market and control all processes. An example of such an approach to an organization of mining production is the Inmining project.
Imining is a cryptocurrency mining platform with its own largest data center. The main production site of Inmining is a data center under construction in the SEZ “Alabuga” with a capacity of 10 MW, which will be the largest in Russia. The data center will be equipped with modular containers with computing machines BlockBox AC from the leader of the mining industry Bitfury. Each mobile unit BlockBox AC consists of 176 servers, air-cooled, and the total Hasrat will be 14 peachesa per second. This is one of the most powerful and least expensive solutions available on the global bitcoin mining market. The use of containers allows quick installation and start-up minimizing construction and maintenance costs.
The most successful special economic zone in Russia was chosen to host the data center – SEZ “Alabuga”. It has its own railway terminal, which will allow delivery of mining equipment in a short time and is located in a protected fenced area. But the main advantage of SEZ “Alabuga” is the unique conditions for high-tech projects. The territory of SEZ “Alabuga” has 350 MW of supplied capacity 30% of which are currently free. This will allow the Inmining project to scale production quickly and easily to compensate for the increase in complexity and maintain a sufficient level of profitability. The cost of electricity for Inmining will be 2.5 cents per kWh. For comparison: the price of kilowatt per hour in China, which is considered one of the centers of the world bitcoin mining, in March 2019 was about 8 cents, and the world average cost of electricity ranges around 15 cents per kWh. As a resident of the SEZ “Alabuga”, the company “Blockchain technology”, which manages the data center Inmining, will be exempt from land, property and transport taxes for 10 years, and thanks to the regime of free customs zone in the SEZ “Alabuga” will significantly reduce the cost of importing foreign equipment.
Inmining operates on the tokenomics business model with elements of gamification. The previous generation of mining projects offered investings in physical assets: for example, remotely purchase equipment and place it in a mining hotel or rent computing power in data centers (the so-called “cloud mining”). In both cases, the investor enters into a fixed price contract for a particular service. Unlike cloud mining and mining hotels Inmining tokenizes its assets and sells utility-tokens INMG. INMG are backed by high-tech equipment from Bitfury and digital asset is here a cryptocurrency, produced in the data center. Given the computing power, electricity costs and the growing complexity of the bitcoin network, each module of the inmining data center will be able to produce about 46 bitcoins in a year after it starts, which is scheduled for early 2020.
Inmining will monthly buy a small share of INMG on cryptocurrency exchanges, and burn them. This tactic will support the value of the token in the long term, will contribute to the growth of liquidity and trading volume and encourage IMMG holders to long-term storage of tokens, which will also help to maintain the stability of the coin rate.
In addition to the income from the exchange rate of tokens themselves, INMG owners have the right to regularly participate in the lottery, in which 35% of the profits from the extracted bitcoins are played. A distinctive feature of the lottery is its win-win for the participants. To participate in the lottery users freeze their INMG tokens in your wallet Inmining and wait for the end of the game round. The higher the bet, the higher the chance of getting a bigger win. Such a mechanism of gamification in Inmining business model allows interested investors to purchase greater amount of INMG tokens. The lottery is held in a distributed network using blockchain technology and eliminates the risks of fraud and fraud results.
Tokenization of a mining enterprise is a way to diversify your assets, invest in a growing mining industry with minimal effort and the ability to quickly enter and exit this market. The whole process – from the purchase of equipment, installation, service maintenance-is delegated to the resident company “Blockchain Technology”.
The primary selling tokens INMG will take place on the world crypto currency exchange Coineal in several rounds. The first public round will be held on September 19-20 2019, the second – October 8-9 2019. During IEO on Coineal there will be INMG tokens for sale. The starting price will be $0.1 and will grow as the tokens are sold. Until September 18, 2019, investors have the opportunity to participate in a private round and purchase INMG tokens at a discount of up to 20%. In total, the private and public rounds of licensee will be distributed 75% or 112,5 million tokens issued by INMG. Issue volume is fixed (150 000 000 INMG). After the initial exchange of offers tokens INMG will be included in the listing Coineal and in the future will also appear on other cryptocurrency exchanges, which will ensure the free circulation of INMG on the secondary market and will become participants of the project and after the completion of the IEO. 85% of funds raised during licensee, will be used for the purchase of equipment and capital costs.
To enter the mining business seems simple only at first. In practice, those who wish to start making on computing emerging market have to deal with a wide list of components and mining machines, to study cooling characteristics, choose the jurisdiction of most optimal in terms of electricity prices and regulation for mining, engage in customs, tax, transport issues. Inmining is an efficient and secure way into the mining industry, bringing a necessary liquidity and thane ability to quickly enter and exit assets.
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