The Answer To Working From Home In The Current World Of New Normal

The Answer To Working From Home In The Current World Of New Normal 

Working from home is looking to be a real positive as we move forward with the disruptive forces of the COVID-19 pandemic. In countries where the bell curve is starting to flatten, plans of reopening businesses are being discussed although social distancing measures are still enforced. Schools, planes, cinemas, everywhere that have seating in close proximity is being redesigned to cater in the aftermath of this unprecedented catastrophe and it’s looking like this will be with us for the foreseeable future and maybe even beyond. The golden age of socialization is over, now being replaced with an ever-cautionary way of living. 

There are 3,389,979 confirmed cases worldwide with more than 1,124,676 United States citizens who have been infected with the coronavirus and at least 65,510 have died according to More than 1,000 additional deaths have been announced on a daily basis since April 2nd in the U.S.alone. 

As the spread of the virus continues, political leaders seek to reopen parts of the country. The economic effect is overwhelming, unemployment claims have spiked and people are starting to feel the negative psychological effects of isolation. Life has been fundamentally reordered because of this virus and although portions of the country begin to reopen, health officials have warned the return of communal events and socializing would come in stages as the virus could surge again with a new wave in the months ahead.    



Ballooning unemployment has been the result of this pandemic causing a deep recession. Historically, in any other recession we’ve had in the past, unemployment has been an issue but at a slower pace. This time we have reached record highs in only 2 months and it is being reported it will take a long time to recover. 


To Work Or Not To Work

America’s flight crew of various airlines has also reacted to the risky situation of the lack of COVID-19 protocol and restrictions. Although major airlines are allowing passengers to do some seat switching to help with social distancing, passengers are not required to wear masks or stay 6 feet away from each other. This has prompted a call from the union of flight attendants to the Department of Transportation, in coordination with the Department of Health and Human Services, to “end all leisure travel until the virus is contained”.   

There has been widespread anxiety among workers in the United States about returning to work as some states attempt to begin the long and tedious process of recommencing economic enterprise at this stage of the pandemic, a survey reveals.  

According to a survey conducted by Fishbowl, An overall 81% of workers that took the survey from across the U.S. indicated that they would not feel safe if their state were to reopen now. The survey was answered by 19,689 verified professionals on the Fishbowl app from across the U.S. and included employees at companies such as EY, Deloitte, Accenture, Amazon, Edelman, Nike, Google, KPMG, and thousands of others.

Given that New York is the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in the states, it’s not surprising that the state recorded the highest percentage of 85.35% suffering from the anxiety of returning to work right now, with only 14.64% said that they would feel safe returning to work. 

Previous Fishbowl surveys have revealed that 54 percent of workers fear layoffs at their companies as a deep recession grips the country. Nationwide, at least 26 million people have lost their jobs in the U.S. over the last month.


Profound Psychological Change

There has also been a considerable demand for homes in rural areas as people react to the pandemic, wanting to relocate from the dense urban areas to a more virus-free country location. 
It has been reported that there seems to be a discerning psychological about-face as people are more interested in buying a house at the foot of the mountains and that’s a complete flip from the demand where everyone wanted to live in the city that has been the trend for a very long time. 

So how does that fit in on the job front? Even before the Coronavirus pandemic hit, work from home businesses and the remote job market was increasing as more and more people are seeking a more flexible lifestyle allowing them to work from home. Due to the restrictions brought about by COVID-19 lockdown, companies are increasingly asking employees to work from home, but there are many who have lost their job entirely or laid off as a result of the pandemic.  


New Opportunities

Thanks to the technology of social media we can all stay connected virtually, and it also opens up many opportunities for either remote employment or starting your own business from home. The possibilities are many in the online sphere, in fields such as IT and computer, freelance, content creators creative arts, customer service, education, translation, sales, and marketing, and there are many more being created as we enter into this new normal world. 


Image source, Getty


The Next Generation

Now we have the next-generation approach to working online and completely facilitating your own business on a platform that caters to e-commerce, creative artists, marketers, entrepreneurs, in fact, anything that comes to mind.  This visionary company, Markethive is the perfect springboard to anything you choose to do. In and of itself you can earn an income as you are paid to be active on the site by just referring three people to join you. 

Markethive has incorporated Blockchain Technology meaning it has its own ecosystem with the Markethive Coin which is distributed continuously. So just using the platform you will accumulate the cryptocurrency and are able to purchase goods and services. Blockchain Technology and the cryptocurrency sphere has enabled Markethive to align itself with the users’ need and right to be in control of their data and how they use their time to monetize their efforts. As we move forward with the launch of the Markethive Wallet App and coin exchanges the MHV coin will then provide liquidity. 

So what we have here is a money-making platform where you can showcase your talents on a social media interface to a multitude of like-minded entrepreneurs. Markethive also delivers the reach across the internet. The ability to register and assign your many social networks into the Markethive system produces the reach into the literal billions. This is the epicenter of all things linear. Below the comparison chart that illustrates Markethive has integrated everything needed for successful marketing and business practice, increasing your brand exposure, and generating an income. 

In a nutshell, Markethive is a multi-dimensional, deep level linking dynamics, social organizational integrated system. Integrating Vast Social networks reaches, internal social network connections, unlimited interconnected WordPress blogs, the vast API news sites like NBC, Wired Magazine, Bloomberg, Western journal, Mashable and 1000s of other news sites, that continue to expand due to the power of your own Markethive network and the collaboration of separate Markethive groups all working in union with each other.


Unprecedented New Age

The opportunities and extraordinary value we have here at Markethive are unprecedented and as we move into an age where more people are looking to work from home. In many areas, the internet has become too complicated, too expensive, and too competitive. Not to mention the personal data breaches and lack of privacy that has become big news and a real controversy.

Blockchain technology has made it possible for Markethive to advance and offer far more for far less than any other platform or program out there today. Markethive’s vision is to give privacy, autonomy with every opportunity for true wealth via universal income while simplifying the process for anyone to successfully create and operate any business from the Markethive all-in-one platform. 

This incorporates all inbound marketing tools, including email autoresponders, a stellar blogging platform, Storefronts with eCommerce capabilities, press release, and sponsored article portals, banner program, and banner impressions exchange, a video hub with video advertising, wallet with integrated messaging app and coin exchange plus so much more. 

It’s essentially a complete blockchain commerce system – A Social Market Network 

This puts Markethive in the category of the next generation Market Network and the first to be built on the blockchain. Collaboration and the social media aspect is an integral component and the community spirit has brought Markethive’s vision into reality. Apart from all the features that can be accessed by free members, There is the opportunity to upgrade to The Entrepreneur One Loyalty Program. This is the premium highest level you will ever have the opportunity to acquire. It contains all the leveraged advantages you need to accelerate your success in Markethive. All the benefits are outlined here. This is a time-limited opportunity and there are only two more days to left to upgrade at the time of writing this article. 


CEO and Founder of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast says,

“Markethive has already established itself in every country in the world. With the phenomena of the Covid 19 virus forcing the entire world to go home by force in many countries, the world is discovering entrepreneurialism and it is in the not too distant future, Markethive will explode across the planet.

If you had the clear focus of projective reasoning and purchased an Entrepreneur One before this wave explodes, you will be one of the very few with a system that will produce many millionaires and the generational wealth that will materialize, and that is why we built the Entrepreneur One platform. We built it for the Markethive visionaries and early adopters. Do not miss this once in a lifetime event. Do not just stand by as this massive event passes you by. Join Entrepreneur One now before the others sweep it up.”


What has transpired and will be with us in the wake of this global pandemic is the perfect storm for the next generation social and marketing platform, blockchain-driven, utilizing cryptocurrency to rise up from the devastation caused on all fronts. Called a Market Network noted by experts in the field, this is part of the new way of doing things. This is where complete sovereignty and financial freedom is not only possible, it’s probable.  

If you like the idea and freedom of working from home or in a position where this crisis has affected you and are looking to adapt to a new career path then this may be the perfect time to shine. Markethive is truly dedicated to your education, success, and sovereignty with the automated tutorials to learn all aspects of Markethive and improve your user experience, plus it also pays all members to learn the Markethive system. 

Markethive is at present, in BETA and as this is a mammoth undertaking, some features still in the works. Our target of 500 Entrepreneur Ones is almost complete which means we can move forward with more integrations making Markethive the first and only next-generation Social Market Network on Blockchain. We have the platform, now it’s up to us to learn it and take back control of our own lives, of our lifestyles and our personal happiness. 



ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept, and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



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