Markethive Banners Slides Infographics – Free And Available

Markethive Banners, Slides, Infographics – Free And Available 

Where Are They Located On The Markethive Platform? 

Markethive Banners Available FREE

Markethive has an expansive suite of marketing tools freely available for you to use, including a large assortment of banners designed for placing and promoting Markethive outside the Markethive platform on any advertising site or web page you choose. Sites such as Google Ad-sense, Warriorforum, IBOtoolbox,, forums in general, most importantly, sites that have traffic. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


The Markethive banners come in many sizes that meet the criteria of the various sites. You have a choice of Animated and Static hosted that are hot-linked to you personally for your unconditional usage. There are also numerous Markethive Slides you can use for videos, PowerPoint presentations, and Articles.  The Infographics which have a plethora of information about Markethive are hot-linked for your references and can be used in your advertisements. 

All of these eye-catching banners and images can be found in the Markethive.Banners Group in the Blog Posts section. 


An array of banners are also accessible in the Referral Program section which can be found on the Markethive Home Page menu. This is also where you can remotely share your referral link to your social media profiles. Your referral link will be automatically included so you get the referral.

Note: There are more social networks to be added to the sharing interface as Markethive moves forward with its integrations. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs

The Banner Program

The Banner Program is predominantly for advertising any other independent business or Markethive’s special offers to members on the Markethive platform and not to be confused with the Markethive Banners explained above. 

These banners are displayed at the top of Markethive’s pages internally and also on the complete Markethive Network which includes the many websites Markethive owns. This is Prime real estate and means your banners are not just viewed by members within Markethive, but also to the vast internet traffic and onlookers. 

At present, there is one banner size of 960×80 accepted on this platform and unlike the Markethive Banners, which are accepted on other advertising sites, they must be on a white background whether they are animated or static. Research shows this to be very appealing to the onlooker and sets a high professional standard for the Markethive Platform. They must fit visually with the rest of the content.

These banners are not predesigned for you. You must either create the banner or appoint someone to create it for you. If you would like to design one, here are two sites you can utilize;


Guidelines To Adhere To When Creating A Banner and its affiliated media web sites receive large amounts of website traffic. To display one banner is included with your Entrepreneur One level membership. Until we deliver “impressions” you are limited to 1 banner with a duration maximum of 7 days (renewable). Compare pricing with AMBcrypto Banner Ad (Top Content) at $5,500 per month.



Banner rules and standards are as follows:

  • No adult content, hate speech, porn or otherwise controversial material.
  • Ensure your banner is sized to 960px x 80px.
  • No Borders
  • Backgrounds must be white
  • Images must not touch the border and can only be 20% of the banner area
  • Unprofessional banners or those that violate these guidelines will be rejected.
  • Animated banners (gif) are accepted.
  • Low resolution, chopping edged fonts, will be rejected.

Every banner must be approved by the banner quality control team. This is to your advantage and improves the success of your banner and keeps the level of quality design in Markethive high.


The Hive Keep Group 

Alternatively, you may get one of Markethive’s designers to create one for you. We are open for business right now. As we build out to the supergroup "upgrade" we will have a splash page with payment options. Once the new Vault is completed, additional options will occur. When the wallet gets delivered we will also be accepting MHV coin.

Entrepreneur One Upgrades get one free banner designed by the Hive Keep design group. Additional banner redesign or designs are $100 per banner job. Furthermore, The Hive Keep Group will operate as a professional Ad Agency which will require a retainer, and to assist you with your advertising and business needs are award-winning designers, top-notch engineers, and proven copywriters. Everything you need to build and facilitate your business with the utmost professionalism. We will be configuring the system to offer a $100 credit per month for Entrepreneur subscribers.




There are so many facets to Markethive, as it is a complete Market Network with a Social Media interface. It has everything you need to succeed in whatever it is that you do online, including the potential of extra revenue made available to Entrepreneur One (E1) associates through the Banner Program. Even as a free member you can access all the inbound marketing tools and Markethive, the company, will pay you via the micropayment faucet system. This is activated by just referring 3 people to join you on this platform where your privacy and sovereignty are of the highest priority.   

There have been 20+ years of high energy poured into Markethive. This is a Divine inspiration and places all of the members of Markethive first and foremost. So get busy, check out the available Markethive banners you can freely and unconditionally use to promote Markethive across the World Wide Web. 


Happy Marketing! 


Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



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