In our previous blog post, we discussed the main cryptocurrency trends that will ensue in 2020,

alongside their potential impact on the market as a whole. Attracting success when you own a cryptocurrency-related business entails a deep understanding of internet marketing trends. We hope to make this easier for you by focusing on highlighting the main marketing trends of 2020 that can be fully-reproduced for the cryptocurrency niche. By carefully following the trends that are outlined below, you can increase your overall customer reach, while also boosting traffic, visibility, business popularity, brand loyalty and conversion rates. Without further ado, here are eight of the most relevant crypto-compatible marketing trends of 2020:

1. Google’s mobile-first indexing

Recent research has showcased that desktop computers no longer hold supremacy on the web. According to mobile usage statistics, the number of worldwide internet users has surpassed the 4 billion mark, and is set to continue growing in the future. Actual usage of desktop computers is also decreasing, since users spend approximately 59% of their time browsing the web via mobile devices.

Similarly, Google holds approximately 96% of all mobile search traffic, therefore it only makes sense that the search engine giant replaces its desktop indexing algorithm with a mobile-first tool for indexing and ranking content on the web. Reports indicate that the mobile-first oriented ranking algorithm is currently being tested out. It is very likely that it will become the default in 2020 – thus, all websites will be ranked according to their mobile version. This makes it mandatory for all crypto website owners to ensure that their webpages have a mobile version that loads quickly and is free from bugs. Similarly, this also entails that website owners must place a stronger focus on deploying mobile-based SEO strategies in order to maintain or further boost their search engine rankings.

2. The appearance of alternative communication channels

Over the last couple of years, internet users have started valuing genuine and personalized conversation online. This has led to the appearance and quick popularity growth of chatbots for numerous websites. We can all agree that it is unsustainable for start-ups and businesses in general to employ customer service agents that are online 24/7, and who are always ready to answer a plethora of simple questions. However, chatbots never get tired, and they are always professional. Recent AI and machine learning advancements have made chatbots better than ever. Some software is even comparable to real human interaction.

Reports indicate that the use of chatbots is sure to grow leads, while also generating a higher number of lifetime responses with platform users, or current and potential customers. This finding makes perfect sense, given the fact that users no longer have the time required to personally browse the website in search for an answer to their question. FAQs do work, but only to a certain degree, since they cannot be personalized to current user needs. On the other hand, bots can be easily designed and updated to keep up with user questions.

3. The rising importance of brand history and philosophy

Unless you invent a new niche, chances are that you are dealing with a handful of competitors in your target industry. Differentiating from other businesses that offer similar products and services is bound to be a difficult, expensive and time-consuming endeavour. Luckily, there are several strategies that can be applied to ensure that customer loyalty can be easily obtained and retained.

Recent trends indicate that a well-thought brand philosophy and direction can fulfill the purpose of establishing a deeper connection with users. Existing and future customers must be aware of your brand philosophy and overall vision over the industry – this makes businesses seem less rigid, thus giving them a certain degree of humanity. Therefore, brand loyalty entails that customers humanize their interactions with companies and understand their market views. Numerous large-scale businesses are already implementing such strategies.

4. Personalization is here to stay

Given the aspects that have been outlined above, we must also mention the increasing importance of personalization. More and more businesses are doing it and are therefore setting a new standard for customer interaction. Failing to pick up on the trend and remaining a generic company is bound to have negative consequences. Personalization comes in all shapes and sizes. For instance, Netflix analyses the type of content that users prefers to watch, and attempts to forecast future needs. Spotify focuses on creating playlists that are based on user preferences (taking numerous factors into account, such as the time of day, user moods, volume, where the music is being played and more). Other companies resort to simply sending out personalized emails that are based on user behavior analysis (such as a discount offer for a product or service that a user added to cart, and then dropped).

With this in mind, it is essential for companies in the crypto industry to ensure that they carry out relevant user analysis, as this can lead to better targeting, well-optimized personalization and increased brand loyalty. An in-depth research of personalization solutions is also required, as there is a technical side to this trend.

5. Positive, yet unexpected user experience

Crypto businesses can also differentiate themselves from the competition by providing users with extra and unexpected services. For instance, an unadvertised loyalty discount can be applied on users’ second and future purchases, in an effort to retain brand loyalty. Another similar strategy is segmentation, which can be implemented to help differentiate the potential value of clients. This allows businesses to prioritize their relationships with valuable customers that must be retained long-term. A stronger focus can then be placed on personalizing and improving the overall experience of these users, through outside-the-box services. Jumping on this trend will also likely improve word-of-mouth advertising alongside profitability.

6. The rising demand for video content

Video marketing has been a highly-relevant strategy for years, yet it seems like it is becoming even more popular trend in 2020. While high-quality written content is still necessary to present your products and services, video content is now highly-sought after. Therefore, presenting your new product or feature launch via video will ensure increased visibility.

Similarly, video can also be utilized to present features of your products/services, alongside tutorials. For instance, if you’ve launched a new cryptocurrency trading platform, a video-based presentation will likely be able to tell a better story when compared to screenshots and text. Video can also be used to facilitate a deeper interaction between company leaders and customers, especially in the case of emerging markets such as the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry. Live streaming product launches, hosting Q&A or simply sharing opinions via video is bound to expand your company’s marketing reach and overall influence on the market.

7. No time to chill – act fast and act now

We can all agree that the cryptocurrency market evolves considerably quicker when compared to most other industries. Based on this, there is no time to contemplate on choosing the right approach to marketing as other companies will likely get to implement the same strategy before you, and hence reap all the benefits. Given the lightning speed of the cryptocurrency market, it’s best to implement your strategies as soon as possible – yes, even if they’re not fully-tested or 100% ready for deployment. You can optimize things along the way, but a missed or late start is difficult to recover from. With this in mind, the general strategy should be to act fast and act now.

8. Be on the lookout for other cryptocurrency marketing trends

In this rising industry, it is best for marketing leaders to be open-minded and adaptable. New trends appear every day; Consequently, it is often recommended that cryptocurrency companies invest time in research, and marketing strategy trials. Some of the other relevant trends that are applicable to the cryptocurrency industry include, but are not limited to: the implementation of AI-based marketing channels, influencer marketing, social messaging apps, Instagram/Facebook stories, interactive content, user-generated content, automation, big data integrations, alongside visualization of products and services.

Bottom line

Based on everything that has been highlighted so far, high-quality cryptocurrency marketing entails that businesses become adaptable to industry needs, and that they invest time and resources into ensuring mobile optimization, customer behaviour analysis, chatbots, brand loyalty and personalization. Of course, a successful marketing campaign won’t have the desired results as long as your products and services are not top-notch. Therefore, professional marketing efforts must succeed the development of products that fill a market gap, and are able to ensure customer satisfaction.

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