Inbound Marketing Real World Example

I just acquired my own home, complete with DIY home renovations etc. I used to be a general contractor way back in the 70s. So I can do most of the work, or even better, hire someone and know the work is being done correctly and timely. So I am now the perfect customer for the home improvement industry.

I have a kitchen to redo. I went to the local hardware store to look at their store models. I looked at some upscale homes for sale to see what their kitchens looked like, to get ideas. I am exploring. I became aware of a new technique called epoxy counter tops.

So I start searching for more information on epoxy counter tops. Is the epoxy toxic? Does it hold up with years of kitchen use, how do you do it yourself, you get the picture. So I find many sites online about it, but most of them are trying to sell me some product or to hire them or buy their premade counter tops and I keep searching around. As I search I keep running into very explanatory blogs about the epoxy counters and these are published by a company called Stone Coat Counter Tops. ( They offer a ton of instructions, information which has convinced me to make a simulated granite set of counters for my kitchen saving me huge costs.

I discovered their videos on their Youtube channel where they have over 500,000 subscribers, receiving views in the millions.


It also helps that the owner that does the videos is pretty cool with a wonderful sense of humour. You can’t help liking him and that makes me want to do business with them.

Now I am interested in their product, so I check out their Twitter account, yep great support there, with only 1500 followers, but represented. They have a current Facebook page with 209,000 followers, impressed so far. They have a humble following on LinkedIn (202 followers) and Instagram (23,400 followers)

Bottom line they are well branded on the Internet. I have growing confidence, next step to call them and reach out to them.

See the Inbound Marketing at work?

I will continue on with this project and report in the comments below. These types of projects is what Markethive is designed to accelerate and leverage.

Thomas Prendergast


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